Regular Council Meeting


Council Chamber - Leduc County Centre, Nisku, AB
Council Present:
  • Mayor Tanni Doblanko
  • Councillor Rick Smith
  • Councillor Kelly-Lynn Lewis
  • Councillor Dal Virdi
  • Councillor Glenn Belozer
  • Councillor Ray Scobie
Council Absent:
  • Councillor Larry Wanchuk (was absent for personal reasons)
Staff Present:
  • Duane Coleman, County Manager
  • Renee Klimosko, General Manager - Financial and Corporate Services
  • Alan Grayston, General Manager - Development and Community Services
  • Joyce Gavan, Legislative Coordinator
  • Keri Theroux, Executive Assistant - Council

Mayor Tanni Doblanko called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.

  • Resolution No.53-24
    Mover:Councillor Virdi

    That the agenda for the April 9, 2024 regular County Council meeting be adopted as circulated.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Resolution No.54-24
    Mover:Councillor Lewis

    That the March 26, 2024 regular Council meeting minutes be adopted as circulated.

    Carried Unanimously



There was no one in attendance to provide a public presentation.

Director of Community Services Dean Ohnysty presented a recommendation for an additional contribution to the Warburg arena project.

  • Resolution No.55-24
    Mover:Councillor Belozer

    That Leduc County Council approve an additional funding contribution to the Warburg arena project up to $1,330,000 with the additional $220,000 allocated from the statutory municipal reserve.

    Carried Unanimously

Curtis Friesen, Partner - Metrix Group LLP provided an overview of the 2023 Financial Statements.

  • Resolution No.56-24
    Mover:Councillor Smith

    That Leduc County Council approve the following 2023 financial year-end documentation:
    - 2023 Audited financial statements; and
    - 2023 Accumulated surplus schedule.

    Carried Unanimously

Mayor Doblanko called the public hearing to order at 2:05 pm with respect to the adoption of the Municipal Development Plan and second reading of Bylaw No. 03-24.

Mayor Doblanko called upon administration to introduce the subject of the hearing.

Manager of Regional and Long Range Planning Jordan Evans and Long Range Planner Ata Muhammad provided PowerPoint presentations highlighting the proposed updates to the Municipal Development Plan and referral process.

Mayor Doblanko asked Council members if they had any questions of administration. In response to questions the following was provided:

  • The benefit to change the four agricultural zones to two were in response to the revision under the Regional Agricultural Master Plan adopted by the region which identified prime and non-prime agricultural land within the Edmonton metropolitan region as a whole and while those areas broadly align, this reduction simplifies and more closely aligns to the Regional Agricultural Master Plan.
  • Administration recommends that upon closing of the public hearing that a modification to the recommendation be that Council refer consideration of second reading back to administration to review the feedback received through the advertisement and referral process and address them within the Municipal Development Plan.

Mayor Doblanko asked if any additional relevant correspondence has been received that is not part of the agenda package, and County Manager Coleman advised there was none.

Mayor Doblanko noted there were no registered speakers to speak to the subject of the public hearing.

Mayor Doblanko called upon anyone else in attendance to speak in support or against the subject of the public hearing, and there was no one.

Mayor Doblanko called upon administration staff to provide closing comments and answer any questions by Council members.

Manager of Regional and Long Range Planning Jordan Evans concluded by recommending that Council defer second reading of Bylaw No. 03-24 to allow feedback provided at the public hearing to be addressed in the draft Municipal Development Plan.

Conclude public hearing

Mayor Doblanko concluded the public hearing at 2:37 p.m. 

  • Resolution No.57-24
    Mover:Councillor Smith

    That Leduc County Council defer consideration of second reading to Bylaw 03-24 to allow for feedback provided at the public hearing to be addressed in the draft Municipal Development Plan and bring back to the May 14, 2024 regular meeting.

    Carried Unanimously

Mayor Doblanko adjourned the meeting at 2:40 p.m.